Advice on Selecting a Battery Charger?


Hi Jeff, I attended one of your electronics seminars at the Vancouver boat show this spring and I was hoping you could help me with selecting a charger for my boat. I just purchased a 24’ Skagit Orca and I would like to replace the current battery charger. The previous owner said the charger on the boat boiled the previous batteries so he replaced the batteries and hasn’t used the charger since. I was wondering if you could recommend a suitable charger for my boat? The current charger is a 1996 procharger 2610. I have two 12v lead/acid batteries and the current charger is set up for shore power. I trailer my boat so I will plug it into my shop to charge the batteries before I make the next trip. I usually get out once or twice a month and I may overnight for a few days. In the future I might upgrade to AGM batteries.


Thanks for contacting PYS about your marine electrical system.  In your email, you didn't mention the number or size of your battery, but based on your boat size, I'd assume you have an engine and house battery bank. You basically have two choices, either a 20 amp or 40 amp multiple output smart charger. If you house bank is 200 Ahrs or more, I'd suggest going with a 40 amp model. Over the last year, we have had great success with ProMariner and Xantrex Charger. And yes this charger will charge both flooded and AGM batteries.